
Here you can find videos of projects, webinars and films from our work! Get inspired by our member cities, affiliates and partners on how to become Waste Wise!
Lean back, grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!

Education/awareness raising
Treatment and recycling disposal
Marine litter
Policy/legal instruments

Environmental education and waste management, Challenges and Perspectives towards Zero Waste communities

The event was attended by representatives of organizations and initiatives focused on promoting solid waste management in Latin America and the Caribbean. It facilitated the exchange of experiences, lessons learned, and the sharing of key messages with the participants.

Precious Plastic goes to Kenya (2018)

UN-Habitat, together with Precious Plastic and local youths set up a plastic workspace pilot in Kisii, Kenya, transforming plastic waste into new products, enhancing circular economy, and creating jobs. Watch this video to see how the plastic workspace was built and how it can be used!

Sound of waste (2019) - 1

This is the first of three testimonials that are part of an audio-visual piece of art from Danish sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard. They impressively introduce you to the lives  of waste pickers and managers at Dandora Dumpsite, Nairobi, Kenya. 

Sound of waste (2019) 2

This is the second of three testimonials that are part of an audio-visual piece of art from Danish sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard. They impressively introduce you to the lives  of waste pickers and managers at Dandora Dumpsite, Nairobi, Kenya.

Sound of waste (2019) 3

This is the third of three testimonials that are part of an audio-visual piece of art from Danish sound artist Jacob Kirkegaard. They impressively introduce you to the lives  of waste pickers and managers at Dandora Dumpsite, Nairobi, Kenya.

Waste Wise Cities Challenge 1st Signing Ceremony (2020)

UN-Habitat’s Executive Director virtually opened the Signing Ceremony of the Waste Wise Cities Challenge. Cities looking to improve their municipal solid waste management were brought together with mentor cities. As the ED mentioned, the ceremony “an important moment in the history of city-to-city collaboration”.

Waste Wise Cities Challenge 2nd Signing Ceremony (2020)

This video shows the second virtual signing ceremony for the Waste Wise Cities Challenge. 7 cities participated, representing 5 twins.

The Forgotten, Underestimated Child and its Critical Role for Current and Future Crises (ICLEI Daring Cities, 16 October 2020)

Solid waste management has the potential to contribute to large reductions in emissions from cities. This also applies to pandemics: solid waste services need to continue in a safe way during pandemics to mantain public health. Watch this event to learn how partnerships can contribute to improved waste management services.

Urban October: Municipal solid waste facilities tour in Kusthia, Bangladesh (2020)

Watch this event to see how Kushtia (Bangladesh), is presenting its solid waste facilities to its twin city, Sunkoshi (Nepal), highlighting successes and challenges in their solid waste treatment. This video is one example of how the Waste Wise Cities Challenge works.

Cleanup Activities - where are we headed? (2020)

In preparation for World Cleanup Day 2020, UN-Habitat organised a webinar to understand the impacts that cleanups are making globally and how they can be maximised. The event touched the theme of clean up from different perspectives, such as technology, partnerships, funding etc. Watch it to learn more about the imporance of cleanups!

Frente al Desafío de los Residuos Sólidos de las Ciudades (2020)

Especialistas nacionales e internacionales dialogarán para mejorar la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos en Bolivia, en el marco del ciclo de webinarios sobre la #PolíticaDeCiudades. Si quieres conocer más sobre esta temática, te invitamos a seguirnos.

Global Launch of Waste Wise Cities Tool (2021)

Are you curious about the Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) and why it is important? Watch the global launch of the WaCT to learn what role this assessment and planning tool has for the future of sustainable solid waste management.

Part 1: How to Continue Waste Management Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring reliable and safe municipal solid waste management (MSWM) services provision is a must for local governments to protect public health and contain the spread of the virus. Therefore, UN-Habitat and the Wuppertal Institute organized this series of webinars to support local governments and work together in combating COVID-19, through providing safe municipal solid waste management services. Part 1: How to continue waste management services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Part 2: How to Continue Waste Management Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring reliable and safe municipal solid waste management (MSWM) services provision is a must for local governments to protect public health and contain the spread of the virus. Therefore, UN-Habitat and the Wuppertal Institute organized this series of webinars to support local governments and work together in combating COVID-19, through providing safe municipal solid waste management services. Part 2: Adapting the systems.

Part 3: How to Continue Waste Management Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring reliable and safe municipal solid waste management (MSWM) services provision is a must for local governments to protect public health and contain the spread of the virus. Therefore, UN-Habitat and the Wuppertal Institute organized this series of webinars to support local governments and work together in combating COVID-19, through providing safe municipal solid waste management services. Part 3: Workers' Safety.

Part 4: How to Continue Waste Management Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020)

During the global COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring reliable and safe municipal solid waste management (MSWM) services provision is a must for local governments to protect public health and contain the spread of the virus. Therefore, UN-Habitat and the Wuppertal Institute organized this series of webinars to support local governments and work together in combating COVID-19, through providing safe municipal solid waste management services. Part 4: Medical and special wastes.

Organic Waste Treatment in Cities of the Global South: Solutions and Case Studies (2020)

In most cities of the Global South, organic waste is the main component of municipal solid waste, comprising up to 70% of the total waste amount. Most of it is deposited in landfills, where it produces methane, an especially powerful greenhouse gas, other gases, bad odors and leachate, contaminating the surrounding environment as well as the quality of life of the residents living around it. In this Webinar series, organized by UN-Habitat and the Wuppertal Institute, we are discussing the different solutions for organic waste treatment.

Waste Technology Deep Dives #1 (2020/2021)

This webinar series is diving deep into selected waste management technologies to combat the 2.2 billion tonnes of waste that is daily not collected or managed in an environmentally sound manner. UN-Habitat and the Wuppertal Institut presented this webinar series that gives local and regional government officials, as well as interested stakeholders, an overview of available technology options. Part 1; Treatment of Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

Waste Technology Deep Dives #2 (2020/2021)

This webinar series is diving deep into selected waste management technologies to combat the 2.2 billion tonnes of waste that is daily not collected or managed in an environmentally sound manner. UN-Habitat and the Wuppertal Institut presented this webinar series that gives local and regional government officials, as well as interested stakeholders, an overview of available technology options. Part 2: Treatment of Organic Waste: Anaerobic Digestion

Waste Technology Deep Dives #3 (2020/2021)

This webinar series is diving deep into selected waste management technologies to combat the 2.2 billion tonnes of waste that is daily not collected or managed in an environmentally sound manner. UN-Habitat and the Wuppertal Institut presented this webinar series that gives local and regional government officials, as well as interested stakeholders, an overview of available technology options. Part 3: Treatment of Organic Waste - Black Soldier Fly Larvae Composting

Lithium-ion EV battery: e-waste, electric mobility and energy nexus (2020)

E-waste is one of the fastest growing types of waste, and in observance of International E-Waste Day on 14th October 2020, UN-Habitat together with the Wuppertal Institute and the Urban Electric Mobility Initiative organised a webinar on the different areas of e-waste. Watch it to learn more about the role of e-waste in the future.

Osaka Blue Ocean Vision

City of Osaka, one of WWC member cities, created a video on marine litter problem. "We created this video to promote the "Osaka Blue Ocean Vision" adopted by G20 Osaka Summit on June 28 and 29, 2019." The message is that now is the turning point to take action in order to leave clean oceans for the future.

Healthy Oceans Clean Cities Initiative (HOCCI)

Under the Healthy Oceans Clean Cities Initiative (HOCCI) Project of UN-Habitat Philippines the City Government of Legazpi through the Office of the City Environment and Natural Resources (OCENR) and the rest of Technical Working Group (TWG) members has successfully completed the conduct of its Waste Analysis and Characterization Study (WACS) using the Waste Wise Cities Tool (WaCT) and National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC) Guidelines.

Ninety (90) households and several controlled facilities were surveyed 12-26 April 2021 to establish the city’s municipal solid waste baseline data. The activity was remotely facilitated by UN-Habitat and a local hire from WasteAware assisted on-site to ensure the smooth and seamless flow of the WACS undertaking.

Ceremonia de firma entre Lima and Buenos Aires para Waste Wise Cities Challenge

La ciudad de Lima, Buenos Aires, y ONU-Hábitat concluyeron el Memorando de Entendimiento sobre el Waste Wise Cities Challenge (cooperación entre ciudades), el primer hermanamiento en la región de América Latina y el Caribe, en la ceremonia de firma el 23 de junio de 2021.

Waste Wise Education: Exploring Effective Approaches & Best Practices

This webinar will provided and demonstrated some tips for general and school waste education for all practitioners and people working in waste management and waste education. Also, it focused on not only providing practical information, but also exploring an effective approach that can be applied for business and social sectors, as well as a theory of the environmental education through the guidebook provided by African Clean Cities Platform, and good practices through Waste Wise Cities.

#1 Lineamientos generales de la gestión

La primera sesión de la serie de visitas virtuales organizadas por Lima y Buenos Aires como parte del Waste Wise Cities Challenge. Está explicando normativa y breve descripción de la gestión integral de los residuos sólidos urbanos de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.

#2 Experiencias en la segregación en origen: húmedos y secos

La sesión segunda es sobre las experiencias en la segregación en origen - húmedos y secos, en Buenos Aires. Vea este evento para ver cómo Buenos Aires presenta los éxitos y desafíos en su segregación de residuos.

#3 Gestión Integral de Residuos Orgánicos

El tercer evento es sobre Gestión Integral de Residuos Orgánicos. Incorporación de los Recuperadores Urbanos en el Sistema de Gestión formal - experiencia; segregación en vía pública, recolección diferenciada y tratamiento de residuos secos, se presentaron.

#4 Gestión de residuos secos

Como seguida de tercera sesión, técnicas implementadas por el GCABA para evitar la generación, reducir, reutilizar y tratar los residuos orgánicos se presentó.

#5 Centro de Reciclaje de Buenos Aires

Las instalaciones de eliminación y recuperación de Buenos Aires con buen funcionamiento y mantenimiento fueron introducidas en quinta sesión. Hay muchas buenas prácticas actuales sobre el tratamiento de residuos. ¡No te lo pierdas!

#6 Compostaje de restos verdes

La última sesión de la visita virtual. Se presentó Compostaje de restos verdes. Puedes aprender y obtener muchos consejos de sus experiencias.

Model Project for Reducing Risk of Landfill Collapse using the Fukuoka Method (2020) - English

An introduction video of the Fukuoka Method, prepared by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MoEJ). This video guides the mechanism of semi-aerobic landfill, leachate collection and treatment, construction process etc., based on the rehabilitation of Hulene Landfill (Maputo, Mozambique) and Reppie Landfill (Addis Ababa, Ethiopia) as a part of African Clean Cities Platform.

Waste Wise Cities Learning Hub 1: Community-based collection scheme in Osaka City.

The first edition of the Waste Wise Cities Learning Hub, in which member cities share their knowledge and good practices with other members and partners, was held on 2 September. The WWC invited Osaka City, Japan, as a presenter with the theme of “community-based collection scheme in Osaka city”, to share its knowledge and best practices of community involvement in municipal solid waste management.

Transitioning to a circular economy at city level (2021)

GIZ and UN-Habitat organized this parallel session at the Innovate 4 cities conference, which discussed that the switch from a linear to a circular economy can significantly contribute to climate change mitigation. While some states already address the mitigation potential of improved waste management in their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), further mitigation potential of circular strategies often remain untapped. As most production and consumption takes place at local level, cities are a central actor in the transition to a circular economy. Highlights of a soon to be published study on the relevance of the circular economy for achieving the Paris Agreement were shared with the audience.

Urban October: Municipal soli waste facilities tour in Osaka, Japan (2020)

This virtual tour was organized as a part of Urban October 2020 as well as WWC Challenge. Osaka, Japan (Supporter city) telling introducing one of its incineration plants to its twin city, Yangon, Myanmar (Changemaker city). In the session, you can learn not only how the incineration plant in Osaka treat the waste disposed, but also the collection system in Osaka.


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Contact : Andre Dzikus . Chief, Urban Basic Services Section United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) .

Contact : Andre Dzikus . Chief, Urban Basic Services Section United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) .