Online Courses

This section contains online courses developed by the Waste Wise Partnerships, as well as other courses that we think are relevant to support our member cities, affiliates and partners to move toward a prosperous circular economy and achieve waste SDGs and the New Urban Agenda.

Go through the different courses to enlarge your knowledge on solid waste management and do get in contact with us if you think something (a course or a topic) is missing.

Online courses developed by the Waste Wise Partnership

From Data to Tangible Impact

From Data to Tangible Impact: Achieving Waste SDGs by 2030 

By UN-Habitat, supported by Avfall Norge and International Solid Waste Association, through Clean Ocean Through Clean Communities project, and by Vanke Foundation 
The course will introduce you to the first steps to develop in a participatory and inclusive manner municipal solid waste management strategies and action plans based on data. This will help your city to achieve waste related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and move towards a circular economy.

The course is open for registration anytime and self-paced!

English | Spanish | French | Portuguese | Bahasa Indonesia


By Yunus Environment Hub 
A self-learning platform for aspiring and early-stage entrepreneurs.
Each week the entrepreneur works on a module of its business plan and at the end the entrepreneurs will have a compiled and structured document that serves them as a Social Business plan. The course is accompanied by a volunteer mentor who will support the entrepreneur during the 8-week process.

Check the course’s website for cohorts open for registration!

Other Online Courses

 Solid Waste Management

Municipal Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries
by Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne - Eawag
The course is about the elements of a solid waste management system, the main solid waste management challenges in low- and middle-income countries, and tips on how to find solutions. All of this together with numerous real examples from around the world.

course is open for registration anytime!

Marine Litter

Massive Open Online Course Marine Litter
by UN Environment Programme and Open Universiteit (2020)

The course deals with the sources, fate, modelling and monitoring of Marine Litter and provides detailed insight into the impacts of Marine Litter on ecosystems, human health and our economy.

The course was running from October 2020 to February 2021, keep your eyes open for another edition!

closing the loop

Cities and Marine Plastic Pollution – Building a Circular Economy
Authors: by UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (2022)
Description: This course is designed to share the latest knowledge and approaches to measuring and managing marine plastic pollution from land-based sources to achieve local, national and regional goals related to sustainable development.
The course is freely available and self-moderated to allow the utmost flexibility for participants. It uses a mixed-media learning approach combining text, videos and online activities to help build expertise. Each of the seven modules was co-developed with different global institutions and will take 1-2 hours to complete.


Website development supported by

Get to know more

Contact : Andre Dzikus . Chief, Urban Basic Services Section United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) .

Contact : Andre Dzikus . Chief, Urban Basic Services Section United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) .