UN-Habitat joins forces with partners to address living housing needs of refugees, migrants

Berlin, 04 July 2017-- In order to address the rising tide of refugees and migrants over the years, UN-Habitat co-launched the Mediterranean City-to-City Migration (MC2CM) project that brings together experts and cities to contribute towards improved migration governance at city level, including migrants' access to housing, basic services and human rights.



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Designing and Implementing Street-Led Citywide Slum Upgrading Programmes: A training module companion

With the number of slum dwellers expected to reach 889 million by 2020 it has been recognized that there is a need to move away from piecemeal project-based slum upgrading interventions.  Instead, it is necessary to bring slum upgrading to a citywide scale and implement a twin-track approach that promotes both the  upgrading of existing slums and simultaneously uses policy to prevent the multiplication of slums and urban informality.

This Training Module advocates for a coordinated approach to slum upgrading which works with UN Habitat strategic planning components – urban planning, urban legislation, and urban  economy – to provide the platform for a sustainable urban future. The approach encourages programme-based improvement of the physical and socio-economic conditions in informal settlements and promotes urban regeneration, transformation and their  integration into the overall city planning agenda.

"The federation model of community organizing" - Sheela Patel, Slum Dwellers International

In the past two decades through a process called “Enumeration” through which the members collect at city level data about slums, Slum Dwellers International have created a mechanism which serves to create a city wide network of urban informal settlements with the intention of the dwellers to see themselves as part of a larger subsection of the city, whose needs have been neglected and whose voice has to reach the city and the national government.


Too Pressed To Wait - Jane Weru, Executive Director Akiba Mashinani Trust

Jane Weru, Executive Director of Akiba Mashinani Trust, in her lecture “Too Pressed To Wait” discusses the water and sanitation hygiene systems in informal settlements in Nairobi, and how they are causing a strain on both the physical and psychological health of people who live and work in these settlements, in particular women and girls.


Slum Upgrading is all the rage in Kenya’s Kilifi County


Kilifi, Kenya, 24 September 2014 – Caleb Omondi is a music producer whose ears are always alert looking for the next talent he is going to release to the Kenyan public. The 30 year old father of one says because of the nature of his work, he is often required to work late arriving home in the dead of the night.

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Tanzania: National Urban Profile

The National Urban Profile focuses on the findings of a desk-study, interviews with key actors and a town consultation with key urban actors and institutions. Consultation participants agreed to address the salient urban issues including poverty, insecurity, corruption, pollution and crime all problems that negatively affect investments and economic development.

A consensus was reached on priority interventions in the form of programme and project proposals to be implemented.

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Niger: Profil Urbain National

La structure urbaine de la plupart des centres urbains du Niger est caractérisée par l’existence de noyaux d’habitat anciens, auxquels se sont juxtaposés des lotissements successifs. La filière de l’auto-construction constitue le mode dominant de production des logements. La quasi-totalité des logements locatifs sont fournis par le secteur informel, les normes de confort et d’hygiène y étant souvent déplorables.

L’occupation régulière de l’espace a permis d’y réaliser des réseaux d’adduction d’eau potable et d’alimentation en électricité. Les déficits en services sociaux de base ne cessent cependant de s’accumuler. Cette situation touche particulièrement les populations résidant dans les quartiers pauvres des centres-villes et des quartiers périphériques. Au niveau environnemental, la poussée des extensions urbaines dans certaines localités, menace de pollution la nappe phréatique servant à l’alimentation en eau potable de ces localités.

L’existence de nombreuses mares dans bon nombre de centres urbains, constitue une sérieuse source de préoccupation sanitaire, mais aussi une menace physique (inondation – effondrement) pour les populations riveraines.