Bureau of the UN-Habitat Assembly
Composition of the Bureau
The first Joint Bureaux meeting of the Governing Bodies (UN-Habitat Assembly, Committee of Permanent Representatives and Executive Board) was held on Friday 31st May 2019 at 2:00 pm.
Latin America and Caribbean Group - Mexico
Africa Group - Ghana
Eastern European Group - Poland
Western European and Others Group - Germany
Asia Pacific Group - China
Meetings of the Bureau
First meeting of the Bureau of the UN-Habitat Assembly, 3 March 2025
Joint meeting of the Bureaux of the UN-Habitat Governing Bodies and field visit in Mexico - 21 to 23 March 2024
Agenda item 1
Agenda item 2
Agenda item 3
Agenda item 4
Agenda item 5
Agenda item 6
Agenda item 7
Agenda item 11
Agenda item 12
Bureau meeting-10 May 2023
Bureau meeting-24 April 2023
Bureau meeting-15 February 2023
Joint Bureaux meeting – 18 October 2022
The first session of the UN-Habitat Assembly
The first session of the UN-Habitat Assembly took place from 27 – 31 May 2019, at the headquarters of UN-Habitat in Nairobi. During the first session, the Assembly adopted its rules of procedure and endorsed the rules of procedure of the Executive Board. Five resolutions were adopted, covering a range of topics, including on: safer cities; capacity building for implementing the New Urban Agenda; achieving gender equality through UN-Habitat’s work to support inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements; enhancing urban rural linkages for sustainable urbanization, and on UN-Habitat’s Strategic Plan 2020-2023. In addition, the Assembly also adopted a decision on transitional arrangements towards the new governance structure of UN-Habitat. The Assembly concluded its five days of discussions with a Ministerial Declaration recognizing that the unprecedented rate of urbanization constitutes both a challenge and an opportunity. The report of the first session of the UN-Habitat Assembly can be found here.

Key Documents
Resolutions, Ministerial Declaration and Proceedings
- HSP/HA.1/Res.1 United Nations Human Settlements Programme strategic plan for the period 2020–2023
- HSP/HA.1/Res.2 United Nations System-Wide Guidelines on Safer Cities and Human Settlements
- HSP/HA.1/Res.3 Enhancing capacity-building for the implementation of the New Urban Agenda and the urban dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- HSP/HA.1/Res.4 Achieving gender equality through the work of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme to support inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities and human settlements
- HSP/HA.1/Res.5 Enhancing urban-rural linkages for sustainable urbanization and human settlements
- HSP/HA.1/HSL.1 Ministerial Declaration - Innovation for better quality of life in cities and communities: accelerated implementation of the New Urban Agenda towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
Report and Decision