

Since 2005, UN-Habitat has supported Pakistan’s national government, provincial governments, city authorities and people on humanitarian and development efforts. UN-Habitat’s technical assistance in Pakistan includes diverse areas responding to country’s emerging needs ranging from, urban knowledge generation, municipal finance, urban poverty alleviation, community-based infrastructure, environment improvement, climate change and rehabilitation and reconstruction, etc.


Pakistan is one of the most urbanized nations in South Asia with 36.4 percent of the urban population. The urban population has almost doubled from 43 million to 75 million between 1998 and 2017. With Pakistan’s urban population expected to increase by about 40 million people to an estimated 118 million by 2030, immediate action is needed to transform the country’s cities into livable, prosperous places.


About 54 percent of the urban population lives in ten major cities, having populations exceeding one million. Pakistani cities need to evidence-based planning and manage their development if they are to meet the needs and demands of their citizens. Basic information for urban areas does not exist, is outdated, or not shared.  To pro-actively guide the growth of Pakistan's cities and harness urbanization as a driver of development requires resolve and action by all the provinces.

Urban numbers

More than 50 percent of the population of major cities lives in slums and squatter settlements (Katchi Abadi).

Housing deficit have increased from 4.3 million in 1998 to about 9 million in 2015

The urban population annual growth rate is 2.53%

Donors and partners

UN-Habitat in Pakistan works through partnerships closely with the Government of Pakistan, particularly with national and local institutions, cities and CSOs through its technical assistance and advocacy. UN-Habitat engages communities through People’s Process for actions towards improving the lives of vulnerable communities.


United Nations General Trust Fund
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
UNDP (incl. one UN fund)
European Commission
Coca Cola Atlanta
AXA Group Management Services
Asian Development Bank


Jawed Ali Khan
Habitat Programme Manager
UN-Habitat Pakistan



  • Total value of UN-Habitat investments (2008-2013): US$ 78,984,291
  • Total number of UN-Habitat projects (2008-2013): 43 projects
  • Main donors: Department For International Development (DFID) – United Kingdom, United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (UN-CERF), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Korean International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Multi Donor Trust Fund – Spain
  • Implementing partners: local government agencies such as the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA) and the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA); local authorities; other UN agencies such as UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF and UNHCR; local and international NGOs and CBOs

Pakistan is the fastest urbanizing country in South Asia. The current level of urban population of 36% in 2013 is projected to increase to 50% by 2030. There is no urban policy for the country but efforts are being made to move towards one. Although the recently adopted 18th constitutional amendment has devolved the subject of urban development from the federal to the provincial governments, the provincial governments have not yet started the work on urban policy.


General information


Two urban forums have been held to date; one in Lahore in 2011 with UN-Habitat support and the other in January 2014 in Karachi. UN-Habitat participated in this 2nd Pakistan urban forum held in Karachi and presented the framework of creating a new urban agenda for Pakistan that would feed into the Habitat-III conference scheduled for 2016. The Government of Pakistan is currently preparing Vision 2025 for Pakistan and is also preparing the five year plan (2014-2019).

UN-Habitat is closely working with its counterpart agency, Climate Change Division (CCD) and with the support of the core group is carving out a vision for cities in the country. The CCD has already notified a National Habitat Committee and its first meeting will be held soon. UN-Habitat has undertaken slum studies in Peshawar, Kohat and Islamabad. These studies are aimed at facilitating the government in upgrading urban slums/informal settlements and developing urban policies, including land use planning and governance.

UN-Habitat’s WASH community-based programming in Pakistan has significantly contributed to national and provincial drinking water, sanitation and Behaviour Change Communication policies aimed at improving urban health, water and hygienic sanitation through strengthened urban communication networks within communities and service providers.

The Government of Pakistan was facilitated in the drafting of National Sanitation Action Plan (NSAP 2010-2015), derived from the National Sanitation Policy, which provided a roadmap for national and sub-national governments in achieving the MDGs.



UN-Habitat projects in Pakistan


UN-Habitat Pakistan’s projects in the country are largely focused at humanitarian support in response to natural and human-made disasters. UN-Habitat’s unique approach to disaster management, reconstruction and recovery is based on its long-standing experience in working closely with communities, provincial and local authorities to meet their needs for shelter and services, while simultaneously addressing the longer-term development needs for land, secure tenure and infrastructure.

Implementation modality through community participation or people’s approach has resulted in confidence building, capacity development, increased ownership and accountability of stakeholders at various levels that contribute to sustainability of UN-Habitat’s initiatives.

Further, UN-Habitat’s implementation of humanitarian and development projects take into account cross-cutting themes on gender, human rights and environment. UN-Habitat’s integrated approach to shelter, WASH, community infrastructure and land has ensured that benefits accrue to the community as a whole, not just individual families.

There has been special focus on increased access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities for vulnerable and extremely vulnerable groups. Local communities have been revitalized through work activities benefiting thousands of households. Social mobilization of communities ensured their full involvement in implementation activities.

A specific example of the above approach is UN-Habitat’s HySter Programme for WASH activities. HySter is a consolidated arrangement of various innovative successful pilot projects of UN-Habitat in Pakistan. HySter is developed to address all developmental challenges with a paradigm shift of looking at these challenges as an opportunity rather than as part of the problem.

It takes the humanitarian situation as an opportunity to start the programme leading to sustainable development and thereby harnessing all available resources in the present context to make the MDG’s a reality and beyond that, making donors and state governments responsible for fulfilling the right to water and sanitation for all. HySter also provides room for the private sector to make profit while addressing the development challenge of reaching all with safe drinking water and improved sanitation. 





Bella Evidente OIC Country Programme Manager UN-Habitat Pakistan Level Five, Serena Business Complex P.O. Box 1980, GPO Code 44000 Islamabad, Pakistan Email: Landline: +92 51 835 5790Fax: +92 51 835 7359 




Post 2015 Agenda

Post 2015 - Copy

The “Post-2015 Agenda” is the development agenda that will replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) upon their expiration in 2015. After 2015, efforts to achieve a world of prosperity, equity, freedom, dignity and peace will continue unabated.


Governing Council

Governing Council1

The Governing Council of UN-Habitat

1. The work of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UH-Habitat) is guided by three main policy bodies of the United Nations namely, the General Assembly of the United Nations including through the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Governing Council of UN-Habitat and the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR).


Goals & strategies of UN-Habitat

image30-01 UN-Habitat envisions well-planned, well-governed, and efficient cities and other human settlements, with adequate housing, infrastructure, and universal access to employment and basic services such as water, energy, and sanitation. To achieve these goals, derived from the Habitat Agenda of 1996, UN-Habitat has set itself a medium-term strategy approach for each successive six-year period.


UN-Habitat at a glance

UN-Habitat is the United Nations programme working towards a better urban future. Its mission is to promote socially and environmentally sustainable human settlements development and the achievement of adequate shelter for all. Cities are facing unprecedented demographic, environmental, economic, social and spatial challenges. There has been a phenomenal shift towards urbanization, with 6 out of every 10 people in the world expected to reside in urban areas by 2030. Over 90 per cent of this growth will take place in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean.

Planning and Design for Sustai
Number of pages
Publication date

Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility:Global Report on Human Settlements 2013 - Policy directions .

Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility argues that the development of sustainable urban transport systems requires a conceptual leap. The purpose 'transportation' and 'mobility' is to gain access to destinations, activities, services and goods. Thus access is the ultimate objective of transportation.

As a result, urban planning and design should focus on how to bring people and places together, by creating cities that focus on accessibility, rather than simply increasing the length of urban transport infrastructure or increasing the movement of people or gods. Urban form and the functionality of the city are therefore a major focus of this report, which highlights the importance of integrated land-use and transport planning.

State of European Cities in Tr
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The transitional European countries are now in different stages of their transition to prosperous, just and democratic societies. As we look at the challenges of the future, The State of European Cities in Transition 2013 offers insight and analysis to inform and enlighten.

Number of pages
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Cities and Climate Change: Global Report on Human Settlements 2011 - Policy Directions - ABRIDGED

Cities and Climate Change reviews the linkages between urbanization and climate change, two of the greatest challenges currently facing humanity in the 21st Century, and whose effects are converging in dangerous ways. It illustrates the significant contribution of urban areas to climate change while at the same time highlighting the potentially devastating effects of climate change on urban populations. It reviews policy responses, strategies and practices that are emerging in urban areas to mitigate and adapt to climate change, as well as their potential achievements and constraints. In conclusion, the report argues that urban areas have a pivotal role in both climate change mitigation and adaptation and identifies strategies and approaches for strengthening this role.  

Read the full report here.

Number of pages
Publication date

Cities and Climate Change: Global Report on Human Settlements 2011 - ABRIDGED (ARABIC)

يبحث هذا التقرير في الروابط ما بين عمليات التحضر وظاهرة تغير المناخ، وهما الظاهرتان اللتان تشكلان أكبر التحديات التي تواجهها البشرية جمعاء في القرن الحادي والعشرين واللتان باتت آثارهما تشهد تقارباً بالغ الخطورة. كما يوضح أيضاً المساهمة الكبيرة للمناطق الحضرية في نشوء ظاهرة تغير المناخ إلى جانب تسليط الضوء في الوقت ذاته على الآثار المدمرة والمحتملة لظاهرة تغير المناخ على سكان المناطق الحضرية. إضافة لذلك، فيتضمن هذا التقرير استعراضاً لاستجابات كل من السياسات، والإستراتيجيات والممارسات الناشئة في المناطق الحضرية بهدف التخفيف من تأثيرات ظاهرة تغير المناخ والتكيف معها، عدا عن استعراض كل من المنجزات والقيود المحتملة. وفي الختام، تمت مناقشة الدور المحوري للمناطق الحضرية ضمن كل من آليات التخفيف من تأثيرات هذه الظاهرة والتكيف معها، فضلاً عن تحديد كلاً من الإستراتيجيات والمنهجيات اللازمة لتعزيز هذا الدور