The challenge

Global crises are increasingly complex and multi-dimensional; interconnected across geographical and regional boundaries, cyclical, recurrent and increasingly urban and protracted in nature. The impact of the crisis is in most cases particularly severe for the urban poor, those exposed already to chronic vulnerabilities, and the displaced. Many developing country cities are unable to implement preparedness and risk reduction programmes, including retrofitting their infrastructure.

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Soutenir la reconstruction de logements plus sûrs après une catastrophe - Planifier et mettre en œuvre une assistance technique à grande échelle - Résumé

Donors and partners

Rehabilitation requires the involvement of different stakeholders and expertise.

UN-Habitat works with international think tanks, academia and professional organizations to develop norms, global guidance and principles for urban regeneration.

Through specific technical and advisory services, UN-Habitat supports national and local governments to develop the spatial, legal and financial framework required for the implementation of rehabilitation projects, such as spatial development plans, legal instruments for participatory land readjustment and financial mechanisms for land-value capture.

The collaboration with expert NGOs and foundations is particularly important for the implementation and mobilization of residents on the ground, as well as for advocacy.



Our Experts

David Evans
Chief, Capacity Development and Training Unit
Urban Practices Branch, Global Solutions Division