Preparatory Committee 1: 17-18 September 2014
The first session of the Preparatory Committee of the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) was held in New York, United Nations Headquarter, from Wednesday, 17 September to Thursday, 18 September 2014.
Download the Summary Compilation of Open Consultations, Side Events and Parallel Events
Download the Brochure with all important information on the Preparatory Committee 1
Download the PrepCom1 Statements
Official Documents PrepCom1
A/CONF.226/PC.1/1 Provisional agenda and annotations English | Español | العربية | Français | 中文 | русский
A/CONF.226/PC.1/1/Rev.1 Provisional agenda and annotations English | Español | العربية | Français | 中文 | русский
A/CONF.226/PC.1/2 Draft provisional rules of procedure of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) English | Español | العربية | Français| 中文 | русский
A/CONF.226/PC.1/2/Rev.1 Draft provisional rules of procedure of the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) English | Español | العربية | Français | 中文 | русский
A/CONF.226/PC.1/3 Arrangements for accreditation and participation of major groups and other relevant stakeholders in the preparatory process and in the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) English | Español | العربية | Français | 中文 | русский
A/CONF.226/PC.1/4 Preparations for the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban DevelopmentReport of the Secretary-General of the ConferenceEnglish | Español | العربية | Français | 中文 | русский
A/CONF.226/PC.1/5 Progress to date in the implementation of the outcomes of the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and identification of new and emerging challenges on sustainable urban development English | Español | العربية | Français | 中文 | русский
A/CONF.226/PC.1/6 Report of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) on the work of its first sessionEnglish | Español | العربية | Français | 中文 | русский
A/CONF.226/PC.1/INF/1 Draft List of participantsEnglish |
A/CONF.226/PC.1/INF/2 Draft provisional rules of procedure of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III)English |
A/CONF.226/PC.1/INF/3 Financing of the preparatory process and the ConferenceEnglish |
A/CONF.226/PC.1/INF/4 Consolidated list of non-governmental organizations and major groups recommended for special accreditation to the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) English |
Statements Preparatory Committee
Statement by the Secretary General of the Conference Opening Statements
Agenda Item(s): Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 10:54 AM - 11:23 AM
Statement by the Secretary General of the ConferenceUnited Nations system
Agenda Item(s): A/CONF.226/PC.1/4 Preparations for the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development. Report of the Secretary-General of the ConferenceWednesday, September 17, 2014, 11:40 - 11:57
Agenda Item(s): A/CONF.226/PC.1/5 Progress to date in the implementation of the outcomes of the second United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and identification of new and emerging challenges on sustainable urban development
Statement by Senegal Country Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 12:06 PM - 12:11 PM
Statement by NigeriaCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014, 12:12 PM - 12:17 PM
Statement by KenyaCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:17 PM - 12:25 PM
Statement by EthiopiaCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:39 PM - 12:44 PM
Statement by the Secretary-General of the United Nations United Nations system
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 12:46 PM - 12:50 PM
Statement by AngolaCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 15:11 PM - 15:15 PM
Statement of the Group of 77 and China by BoliviaCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 15:16 - 15:21 PM
Statement by EUCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 15:21 - 15:27 PM
Statement by LesothoCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 15:34 - 15:21 PM
Statement by GermanyCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 15:46 - 15:50 PM
Statement by the Russian FederationCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 15:51 - 15:56 PM
Statement by JapanCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 15:56 - 16:01 PM
Statement by South AfricaCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 16:05 - 16:13 PM
Statement by GrenadaCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 16:45 - 16:50 PM
Statement by SingaporeCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 16:54 - 16:58 PM
Statement by EcuadorCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 16:59 - 17:07 PM
Statement by the ILOIGO
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 17:18 - 17:20 PM
Statement by BeninCountry Statements
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 17:41 - 17:50 PM
Statement by ChinaCountry Statements
Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:17 - 10:24 PM
Statement by Finland Country Statements
Statement by BrazilCountry Statements
Statement by the IOMNGO/IGO
Thursday, September 18, 2014 10:40 - 10:42 PM
Statement by the Habitat Professionals Forum
Statement by Habitat for Humanity
Statement of Local and Regional Governments
Statement of the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy and the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport
Statement of Habitat International Coalition
Statement by the Chair of the Working GroupOpening Statements
Agenda Item(s): A/CONF.226/PC.1/INF/3 Financing of the preparatory process and the ConferenceThursday, September 18, 2014 15:40 - 15:44 PM
Statement by IFADNGO/IGO
Status of National Reports for Habitat III
Status of National Reports received for Habitat III
Programme of the first session of the Preparatory Committee
Side events, 17 - 18 September 2014
Please click here to download the side events programme as a pdf
Please hover your mouse over the event names to find out more on the individual events
Organizations wishing to hold a side event during the first Preparatory Committee (PrepCom1) for the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) were required to submit their proposal until 15 August 2014 via email to: Please note that applications are now closed.
Parallel events, 12 - 16 September 2014
Please click here to download the parallel events programme as a pdf
Please hover your mouse over the event names to find out more on the individual events
Organizations wishing to hold a side event during the first Preparatory Committee (PrepCom1) for the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) were required to submit their proposal until 15 August 2014 via email to: Please note that applications are now closed.
Open Consultations
Interested organizations and major groups, including local authorities and other stakeholders that are currently in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, wishing to request an Open Consultation with the Secretary-General of the Conference were required to contact the Habitat III Secretariat via email with an indication of preferred date and time (maximum 2 hours per group). Open Consultations are not bilateral meetings with individuals or organizations, but were requested by a group of organizations or stakeholders and or/representatives of major groups. The Open Consultation was scheduled on a first-come first-serve basis.
Please note that the application for Open Consultations during PrepCom1 are now closed.
Note for Participants: Practical information
Please click here to download the Information note for participants at PrepCom1 as a pdf
I. Introduction
The first session of the Preparatory Committee of the third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) will be held in New York, United Nations Headquarter, Conference Room 2 and 3 (Conference Building - CB), from Wednesday, 17 September to Thursday, 18 September 2014.
Address:United Nations Plaza405 East 42nd StreetNew York, NY 10017United States
The Habitat III Secretariat can be contacted at
II. Participation and access
Passes provided by United Nations security will allow registered participants access to the United Nations Headquarters. On-site registration will take place at United Nations Headquarters (at the United Nations Visitor Centre, located at 47th street and 1st Avenue) on 17 and 18 September, from 7:30 am to 9:00 am.
Members StatesMember States are requested to inform the Conference secretariat of the composition of their delegation via note verbale from their Permanent Mission to the United Nations. A scanned copy of the note verbale is to be sent to the Conference secretariat by email to copying
Members of delegations requiring a pass are requested to liaise with their Permanent Mission to the United Nations.
Intergovernmental organizations(i) Intergovernmental organizations holding observer status with the General Assembly or hold consultative status with the Economic and Social Council are requested to register through the same procedure used by Member States. To obtain the pass for attending the Preparatory Committee, a valid national passport or photo ID must be presented to the United Nations Visitor Centre at the stated date and time for the issuance of a pass together with the confirmation e-mail which was sent to each nominated representative after the registration form was received and status confirmed.
United Nations systemThe registration of representative of the specialized agencies (ILO, FAO, UNESCO, ICAO, WHO, World Bank, IMF, UPU, ITU, WMO, IMO, WIPO, IFAD, UNIDO, IAEA, WTO, UNWTO, CTBTO, and OPCW) followed the same procedures as for States.
United Nations funds, programmes and other entities (United Nations Secretariat entities, UNHCHR, UNOV, UNODC, UNON, ECA, ECE, ECLAC, ESCAP, ESCWA, UNCTAD, UNDP, UNEP, UNHCR, UNRWA, UNICEF, UNISDR, UNFPA, WFP, UN-WOMEN, UNFCCC, UNCCD, CBD, UNU, ITC, UNAIDS, UNITAR, UNRISD) are requested to communicated their composition of their delegation to the Conference secretariat email to
Non-governmental organizations, major groups and representatives from sub-national governmentThe General Assembly, in resolution 67/216, encouraged effective contributions from and the active participation of all relevant stakeholders, including local governments, major groups as identified in Agenda 21, the relevant United Nations funds and programmes, the regional commissions and specialized agencies, the international financial institutions and other Habitat Agenda partners, at all stages of the preparatory process for the Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) and at the Conference itself.
(i) Accredited non-governmental organizations and major groupsNon-governmental organizations and major groups, including local authorities and other stakeholders, that are currently in consultative status withthe ECOSOC were requested to pre-register by 31 August 2014.
To obtain the pass for attending the Preparatory Committee, a valid national passport or photo ID must be presented to the United Nations Visitor Centre at the stated date and time for the issuance of the pass together with the confirmation e-mail which was sent to each nominated representative after the registration form was received and accreditation status confirmed.
(ii) Non-governmental organizations and major groups that have applied for special accreditationRegistration and application for special accreditation closed on 31 August 2014.Non-governmental organizations and major groups that have applied for special accreditation within the deadline and have been informed about the decision of the Bureau-elect to recommend their participation needs to be approved by the Preparatory Committee.
The Preparatory Committee will discuss this matter under item 5 of the provisional agenda and decide on the approval of those recommended organization. Once the special accreditation by the Preparatory Committee has been approved and communicated via email, the nominated representative of the newly accredited organization is requested to follow the same procedure as above for obtaining the pass in order to participate at the meeting.
(iii) Representatives from sub-national governmentThe registration of municipal and other local or regional authorities should be arranged under the auspices of an accredited non-governmental organization or as members of a national delegation through its permanent mission to the United Nations.
III. Arrangements for meetings
Seating arrangementsTwo seats (1+1) will be made available for each official government delegation at the plenary session. Member states will be seated following the all-state formula. A limited number of seats will also be available for representatives of intergovernmental organizations, the United Nations system and major groups at the plenary session.
Languages and interpretationIn the plenary room, statements made in any of the six official languages will be interpreted into the other official languages. Any representative may make a statement in a language other than the official languages. In such cases, the delegation should provide either an interpretation or a written text of the statement in one of the official languages. The interpretation or written text will be considered by the secretariat to represent the official text of the statement and will be used by United Nations interpreters as the basis for interpretation into the other official languages.
Registration for statementsGovernment delegations wishing to inscribe on the list of speakers are invited to contact the General Assembly Affairs Branch (e-mail copying Statements should be limited to three minutes when speaking in a national capacity and five minutes when speaking on behalf of a group.
Distribution of documentsIn an effort to support greening, participants are encouraged to download documents of the Preparatory Committee from the Conference website ( or the Official Documents System of the United Nations (
Wireless internetWireless Internet access will be available in both meeting rooms.
IV. Additional practical information
AccommodationParticipants are responsible for making arrangements for their own accommodation and travel. All representatives interested in attending are required to have adequate medical insurance prior to arrival.
The Habitat III Secretariat can be contacted at