Application for Accreditation

Apply for accreditation and Submit partner report

You will be required to upload the following documents before submitting your application:

  1. Signed and dated letter requesting accreditation on the organization’s letterhead.
  2. Current certified copy of constitution/charter and/or statutes/by-laws and amendments to those documents.
  3. Copy or certificate of registration which includes stamp of the government authority that issued it.
  4. Audited financial statement for the last two years.

Please complete the form below:

Personal Details


Organization Details

Organization Address

Organizational Profile

Affiliation with NGO networks

(please indicate)

Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify.

Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them.

Documents upload

Signed letter requesting accreditation on the organization’s letterhead

A list of members of the governing bodies of the organization and their nationalities

A copy of the constitution and/or by-laws of the organization

Certificate of registration which includes stamp of the government authority that issued it

Audited financial statement for the last two years

A description of the membership of the organization, names of organizations that are members and their geographical distribution

One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png, pdf, doc, docx.