Douala 3, Cameroon : Vision, Area Planning and Action Plan Report
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Douala 3, Cameroon : Vision, Area Planning and Action Plan Report

Based on the results of the Douala 3 (CAD 3) Spatial Profile which identified the main areas of intervention and the main challenges to be addressed in the CAD3 and the pilot neighborhood of Ndogpassi Plage; the Vision, Area Planning and Action Plan Report describes the short, medium and long term action to implement to provide an inclusive and sustainable environment for displaced and host communities.

The Vision is a process through which communities and key stakeholders defined the future they envision for their Subdivision. This future includes the strengths and attractions of the Douala 3 which should be promoted while addressing existing urban issues with innovative sustainable solutions.

In addition, the urban vision of the 3rd Municipality describes the strategic areas that require targeted investments to achieve sustainable and inclusive development by 2035, and it states:

“By 2035, the commune of Douala 3 will be compact, connected, resilient, healthy, in a prosperous and equipped environment”.

The vision aims to define what Douala 3 and Ndogpassi Plage should look like spatially, socially, economically and environmentally in ten years, so it has been broken down into 5 major thematic strategies:

1. Compact city – to control urban sprawl and promote vertical densification and mixed uses.

2. Connected city – to improve transport systems and mobility through the CAD3

3. Resilient and sustainable city – to mitigate, adapt and integrate innovative ways to combat climate change.

4. Prosperous city – to identify new economic hubs while structuring informal economy.

5. Inclusive and recreational city – to stimulate community synergy through the creation of public spaces that allow social interaction and the valorization of the environment.

The projects needed to achieve the CAD3 urban vision were first identified based on existing urban planning documents, namely the Douala 3 Communal Development Plan (PCD). During the visioning workshop, 13 additional projects were highlighted by the various stakeholders, including IDPs.

These strategies were participatorily translated into 15 priority projects that are at the heart of the Ndogpassi Plage Action Plan.

The Action Plan of Ndogpassi Plage, aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals by identifying priority investments that will guide the Douala 3 City Council and key stakeholders to implement and ensure transformative actions for the development of Douala 3 Subdivision.