About the Advisory Board on Zero Waste

The establishment of the Secretary-General’s Advisory Board of Eminent Persons on Zero Waste (the Advisory Board on Zero Waste) was announced by the Secretary-General at the High-Level Meeting on the Role of Zero Waste as a Transformative Solution in Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, held during the General Assembly on 30 March 2023. The Advisory Board was established for a period of three years. The 12 members that constitute the Advisory Board are to promote local and national zero-waste initiatives through awareness-raising, promotion of local and national zero-waste initiatives, and dissemination of best practices and success stories towards implementation of United Nations General Assembly resolution 77/161

UN-Habitat and UNEP are the Secretariat for the Advisory Board. Under-Secretary-General for Policy Guy Ryder acts as ex-officio representative for the UN Secretary-General.


Zero Waste Good Practices

Thematic Briefs

Case Studies

Technical Manuals


News and Stories

Ex-officio representative for the UN Secretary-General

Guy Bernard Ryder Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG)

Guy Bernard Ryder

Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG)

Composition of the Board

Emine Erdoğan First Lady of Türkiye Chair

Emine Erdoğan (Chair)

First Lady of Türkiye

José Manuel Moller

José Manuel Moller (Deputy Chair)

Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Algramo

Fatima Maada Bio First Lady of Sierra Leo-ne

Fatima Maada Bio

First Lady of Sierra Leone

Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry First Lady of Suriname

Mellisa Santokhi-Seenacherry

First Lady of Suriname

Carlos Silva Filho, President International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)

Carlos Silva Filho

President, International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)

Muhammad Yunus Co-founder and Chairman, Yunus Environment Hub

Muhammad Yunus (former member)

Co-founder and Chairman, Yunus Environment Hub

Laura Reyes Executive Director, CEMPRE (Compromiso Empresarial para el Reciclaje)

Laura Reyes

Executive Director, CEMPRE (Compromiso Empresarial para el Reciclaje)

Lara van Druten Chief Executive Officer, The Waste Transformers

Lara van Druten

Chief Executive Officer, The Waste Transformers

Saleem Ali Professor, Energy and Envi-ronment, University of Del-aware, and Honorary Pro-fessor, Sustainable Re-sources Development, Uni-versity of Queensland

Saleem Ali

Professor, Energy and Environment, University of Delaware, and Honorary Professor, Sustainable Resources Development, University of Queensland

Hakima El Haite Founder, EauGlobe

Hakima El Haite

Founder, EauGlobe

Gino Van Begin Secretary-General, ICLEI – Local Govern-ments for Sustainability

Gino Van Begin

Secretary-General, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability 

Vijay Jagannathan Secretary-General, CityNet Asia Pacific

Vijay Jagannathan

Secretary-General, CityNet Asia Pacific

Secretariat hosted by


United Nations Human Settlements Programme


United Nations Environment Programme