UN-Habitat evaluates its work to assess how well its interventions are achieving the intended results and how effectively they are contributing to broad development goals. This is done by assessing what is achieved and by making recommendations that feed into policy, programme/ project development and implementation. An independent Evaluation Unit was established in January 2012 to further improve and strengthen the evaluation function. 


If you wish to contact the evaluation unit, please write to: unhabitat-evaluation@un.org

All Evaluation Reports

Final Evaluation of the Project "Accelerating the Implementation of the ASEAN Sustainable Urbanization Strategy (2023/1)

The “ASEAN Sustainable Urbanisation Strategy” (ASUS) is derived from the “Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025” (MPAC 2025) under the strategic area of Sustainable Infrastructure, which constitutes the overall strategic framework for the ASUS…

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Evaluation of the impact and outcomes of The Tenth session of the World Urban Forum - WUF10 (2021/1)

The Tenth Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF10) took place in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (UAE), from 8 to 13 February 2020), under the overall theme of “Cities of Opportunities: Connecting Culture and Innovation”. The Forum attracted over 13,…

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Evaluation of Strengthening National and Regional Development Planning: a Spatial Development Framework for Guinea-Bissau and a Regional Strategic and Spatial Development Plan for the Archipelago of Bijagós (Bijagós 2030) Project (2022/1)

This report concerns the evaluation of the project "Strengthening National and Regional Development Planning: a Spatial Development Framework for Guinea-Bissau and a Regional Strategic and Spatial Development Plan for the Archipelago of Bijagós (…

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Evaluation of National Urban Policy Programme 2014-2021 (2022/5)

This report provides the outcomes of an evaluation of the National Urban Policy Programme (NUPP) since 2014, undertaken in 2020 and 2021 by RMIT University.

The report affirmed the importance of urban policy and its role in sustainable,…

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End-Term Project Evaluation of the Rehabilitation of Dar Al-Consul into a Residential and Civic Center- Phases II/III (2022/2)

The Dar al-Consul Rehabilitation Project is an 8 years project, consisting of Phases I, II & III. The project is implemented by UN-Habitat and partners and supported by the EU with a total funding of 4.23million Euros, which aimed at improving the…

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Mid-Term Evaluation of Achieving Planning and Land Rights Project in Area C, West Bank, Palestine (2019-2023) (2021/7)

The midterm-project evaluation of “Achieving Planning and Land Rights in Area C”, West Bank, Palestine for the period 2019-2023 was mandated by the donor, the European Union (EU), and in-line with UN-Habitat Evaluation Policy (2013) and the Revised UN…

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End-Term Programme Evaluation of the Kabul Strengthening Municipal Nahias Programme (KSMNP) 2016-2020 (2021/1)

This end-term evaluation assessed the Kabul Strengthening Municipal Nahias Programme (KSMNP) 2016-2020-that was implemented in 20 Nahias of Kabul municipality, under the umbrella City for All (CFA) programme. The KSMNP was implemented by UN-Habitat…

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Mid-Term Evaluation Accelerating Climate Action through the Promotion of Urban Low Emission Development Strategies (Urban-LEDs II) (1/2020)

The Urban-LEDS project Phase II (“Accelerating climate action through the promotion of urban low emission development strategies” 2017-2021) aims to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and enhancing climate change resilience…

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End-term Project Evaluation of ‘Fostering Tenure Security and Resilience of Palestinian Communities through Spatial-Economic Planning Interventions in Area C’ West Bank, Palestine (5/2020)

This end-term Project evaluation of the “Fostering Tenure Security and Resilience of Palestinian Communities through Spatial-Economic Planning Interventions in Area C”, West Bank, Palestine for the period of 2017-2020 focused on the assessment of the…

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End of Project Evaluation: Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient, 2016-2020 (3/2020)

This is a final evaluation report of the “Making Cities Sustainable and Resilient” project, which was jointly implemented by UN-Habitat and UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) in the period of 2016-2020. The project aimed at improving the…

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Evaluation of Participatory Review of Egyptian Planning and Related Urban Development Legislation to Support Sustainable Urban Development, April 2016

The evaluated project was an innovative intervention that touched upon a topic that had not been addressed before. It made use of a participatory method that involved intensive engagement with stakeholders at different levels and managed to produce…

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Evaluation of the UN-Habitat Sudan Country Programme 2012-2015, November 2015

This evaluation is part of UN-Habitat’s effort to perform systematic and timely evaluations of its programmes and to ensure that UN-Habitat’s evaluations provide full representation of its mandate and activities, including evaluation of work at…

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Interim Evaluation of the Urban LEDS Project, Synthesis Report, September 2015

The Urban-LEDS Project “Promoting Low Emission Urban Development Strategies in Emerging Economy Countries” (the Project) was initiated in partnership between United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and ICLEI – Local Government for…

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