Thank you for attending the UN-Habitat two-day induction seminar which we believe provided an opportunity for Member States to further familiarize themselves with UN-Habitat roles and functions under the new structure and the mandate of the organization.
In this regard, UN-Habitat wishes to have your feedback on and expectations on content, format and duration of the session.

Below is a set of nine (11) feedback questions that would approximately take 15 minutes. Grateful if you could consider answering all questions.
1. In a rating between 1 and 5, would you say that the Induction Seminar positively added to your understanding of UN-Habitat on the following key areas:

5-Highly satisfactory, 4-Satisfactory, 3-Moderately Satisfactory, 2-Unsatisfactory, 1-Highly Unsatisfactory
a) The work and procedures of UN-Habitat and its Governing Bodies
b) UN-Habitat’s mandate,
c) UN-Habitat’s activities,
d) UN-Habitat’s strategic plan 2020-2023,
e) The process of preparation and approval of the annual work programme and budget of UN-Habitat,
f) UN-Habitat’s resource mobilization strategy,
g) UN-Habitat’s budget and finance cycle,
h) UN-Habitat secretariat structure and purpose,
i) The UN-Habitat’s placement within the secretariat structure
j) The human resources management at the United Nations and in UN-Habitat, including gender and geographical balance.
2. Did the induction seminar provide useful information with respect to your respective roles as members of the UN-Habitat Assembly, Executive Board and Committee of Permanent Representative?
3. a) Did you feel fully engaged in the discussions throughout the seminar. Give rating between 1 and 5.
5-Highly satisfactory, 4-Satisfactory, 3-Moderately Satisfactory, 2-Unsatisfactory, 1-Highly Unsatisfactory
4. Were the presentation slides clear and concise in providing the expected information?
5. Was the background documentation provided ahead of the meeting useful to support discussions under the Agenda items?
6. Were all your questions answered adequately during the Seminar?
7. Did you encounter any difficulties following the jargon/ terminology of the presentations?
8. In your opinion, are there any topics you would wish included in future programmes?
9. Would you say that the on-line format is adequate for future sessions or would the seminar benefit from being held in-person?
10. Do you feel the duration allocated for the induction seminar was sufficient and adequate for the information presented before you?
Thank you for providing us with your feedback. Your feedback will be helpful in designing future induction workshops. We look forward to future and fulfilling engagements with you.